Wood Structural Panel Deck Diaphragms with Steel Ledger and Wood Supports:

When the Pneutek fasteners are used to attach wood structural panels to steel ledgers, the allowable diaphragm loads associated with the fasteners and specified in Table 42. A of the AF&PA Special Design Provisions for Wind and Seismic (SDPWS) and 2009 INC Table 2306.2.1 (1), for 10d common nails and 3-inch-wide (76.2 mm) wood framing members at panel edges.

The connection of the steel ledger to structural load- resisting elements of the steel ledger to structural load- resisting elements of the building and the ability of the steel ledger and other structural elements to carry the shear loads and other superimposed loads must be investigated. Calculations and details must be furnished to the code official for approval.

17 Friars Drive · Hudson, NH 03051 · 800-431-8665 ·

Pneutek Inc, Hudson, NH